Type: Supernova remnant
Distance: 2500 light years
Constellation: Cygnus
Date: 03 September 2006
Equipment: SXV-H9, Astronomix H-alpha filter, 135mm Zeiss telephoto lens
Subframes: 2x2 binned, 22 x 180 second (unguided), 16 darks, 16 flats/flat darks, calibrated and stacked in AIP4Win.
Whilst the resolution in this image can't match that offered by wide-field Apos and big-chip CCDs, I think I've got value for money out of my rather more modest set-up. The filamentary structure of both the eastern Veil portion and the western "Witch's Broom" can be seen, along with the fainter central wisps of nebulousity between the two (click on image to enlarge).
Not bad for a lens picked up for a few quid at a boot sale. Longer subs would probably have shown more detail in the fainter wispy stuff.
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