I imaged this remarkable
exploding comet on October 29th. last year (above, 60 x 15 sec subs - click to enlarge). It was clearly visible to the naked eye in Perseus as a bright fuzzball, about a quarter of the Moon's diameter in binoculars. The "double nucleus" was very apparent and shows up quite well above.

Two weeks later on November 12th. (above, 60 x 45 sec subs - click to enlarge), the comet was still just visible to the naked eye as a faint disc, slightly brighter towards its centre, and whose full extent had now expanded to about three-quarters the size of a full Moon. Both images have been processed in a similar way, but the lower one is the product of longer exposures, which is why it appears to be of comparative brightness
Both images are composites of full frames from the SXV-H9 and 600mm f5.3 refractor.
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