Sunday, 30 November 2008

The Running Man Nebula...

Object: NGC 1977
Type: Emission and Reflection Nebula
Distance: 1500 light years
Constellation: Orion
Date: 07 January 2008
Equipment: SXV-H9, Vixen ED114 refractor (f.l. 600mm)
Subframes: 50 x 60 second 2x2 binned subframes, 16 darks, 16 flats/flat darks, calibrated and stacked in AIP4Win.

Original image above, with a false colour image prepared in PSP7 below. North is up. Click on either to enlarge.

Rob Gendler gives us a breathtaking image of this object, with the adjacent Orion Nebula in the same field.

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