Monday 17 November 2008

Lunar occultation of Saturn

Date: 22 May 2007, (time 21:18:45 local time)
Equipment: Phillips TouCam, Vixen VC200L (f.l. 1800mm)
Subframes: 300 frames at 20fps, with flats, calibrated and stacked in Registax

The above image is a bit of a pastiche as the bright evening twilight, added to the huge difference in brightness and contrast between the Moon and Saturn, rendered Saturn pretty much invisible in my first processing efforts. I shot some more frames of Saturn once the Moon was out of the shot, processed these separately and then "dropped" a layer in Paint Shop Pro containing the processed Moon image over it such that the faint image of the emerging Saturn exactly matched the underlying brighter shot of the planet.

Merging the layers and adjusting the final contrast gave the above "idealised" shot of what the event would have looked like in a dark sky.

I guess the imaging purists might sneer, but I like it.

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